
Wastewater Treatment Chemicals

Hydrated Lime : It is used in Coal Fired Plants, Cement Industries, Glass Industries and Incinerators to reduce their HCL, SOX, NOX Emissions.

Hypochloride Solutions : It can be effectively used for water purification. It is used on large scale for Surface Purification, Bleaching, Odor removal and water disinfection.

Alum : When mixed with water, aluminum sulfate takes a number of forms with differing ionization levels, which can attract pollutants in the water and precipitate out, making them easier to be cleaned.

Polyelectrolyte Anionic : It can be used as flocculent in direct filtration process for settling of Inorganic suspended solids in Effluent water.

Polyelectrolyte Cationic : It can be used for dewatering the organic slush from sewage, industrial effluent.

Poly Aluminium Chloride : It is a highly efficient coagulant with low generation of waste sludge in a wide pH range, even at low temperatures and can be used in the treatment of drinking water, Industrial Effluent, and Sewage.


Aerobic Biomass : It can be used in Removal of Organic matter, Nitrogen and Phosphorous compounds from waste water.

Anaerobic Biomass : It can be used in Anaerobic digestion as a part of the process to treat biodegradable waste and sewage sludge as the methanogenic bacterial populations play an indispensable role in anaerobic waste water treatment.

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