Water Audit

Water Audit Services

Water audit is an assessment of how much water is used and how much water can be saved. Conducting a water audit involves calculating water use and identifying simple ways for saving water. It is important to realize that water use throughout the year often varies with the season.

Why Water Audit Company

  • Water Audit meets the regulatoy compliane of industries as specified in CGWA notification.
  • Water Audit improves the knowledge and documentation of the distribution system, STP/ETP
  • Water Audit Identifies the problem and risk areas and a better understanding of what is happening to the water after it leaves the source point.
  • Leads to reduced water losses at sources, storage and distribution network.
  • Improved environmental and financial performance.
  • Help to Benchmark or calculation of Specific Water Consumption (SWC) of a product
  • Help to identify the reuse of STP/ETP treated water
  • Help to calculate the Rain Water Harvesting Potential of a facility
cgwa noc consultancy services, Water Audit in Ahmedabad Gujarat India

Water audit Constant involves calculating water balance, water use, and identifying ways for saving water.

  • Water consumption and wastewater generation pattern
  • Specific water use and conservation
  • Complete water balance of the facility
  • Water saving opportunities
  • Method of implementing the proposals
  • Full description and figures
  • Investment required
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