Geological & Mining Survey Services

Geological & Hydro-Geological Services

  • Geological & Structural Mapping
  • All Type Of Geotechnical Studies & Reports
  • Exploration Projects
  • Hydrological Studies
  • Search Of New Mineral Potential Areas
  • Deposit & Mine Evaluation
  • Geological Inputs For Mineral Based Industries
  • Mineralogical, Chemical, And Particulate Characterization Of Ores And Minerals
  • Mineral Resource Auditing
  • Geophysical Studies
hydrogeological hydrological survey ert tests

Mining & Field Services

  • Major & Minor Mining Plan/ Mining Scheme
  • Environmental Clearance
  • Progressive Mine Closure Plan/Final Mine Closure Plan
  • DGPS Survey Work
  • DRON Survey Work
  • Exploration
  • LIN Generation & E-Return of DGMS
  • Mining Returns.
  • Volume Calculation report
mining survey services in india
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