Energy Audit

Energy Audit Services

An energy audit is an inspection survey and an analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building. It may include a process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output.

The issue of energy consumption has been a growing interest across all industry sectors not only because of its immediate impact on production costs but also because of its considerable impact on environmental sustainability.

Our energy audit company provides you with a clear understanding of energy consumption in your buildings and facilities. Quantitative findings can provide substantial practical guidelines for:

  • Continuous improvement in production efficiency
  • Identifying cost saving opportunities in energy efficiency

Who needs an Energy Audit Consultant?

Every kind of entity, be it a large manufacturing industry or a service unit, Energy Audit is one of the fundamental requirements for their loss prevention strategy. Few of the entities are mentioned below:

  • Manufacturing Units
  • Warehouses
  • Service Sectors like IT Hubs / Data Centers, Hospitals, Hotels, Shopping Malls,
  • Supermarkets
  • Educational Institutes
  • Office Buildings, housing & colonies
  • It is applicable for organisations, facilities and entities of all sizes and types.

Energy Audit

Scope of Energy Audit :

  • Identify areas of opportunity for energy saving and recommend the action plan to bring down total energy cost in the organization.
  • Identify areas of energy wastage in various sections and suggest measures for minimizing energy losses or suggest alternative energy saving measures that can effectively replace inefficient processes.
  • Conduct energy performance evaluation and study process optimization.
  • Conduct efficiency test of the equipments and make recommendations for replacement with more efficient equipment with projected benefits.
  • Suggest improved operation and maintenance practices.
  • Provide details of investment for all the proposals for improvement.
  • Evaluate benefits that can be benefitted through investment and payback period.
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