Multi Cyclone

Multi Cyclone Collector Process

These are used to remove the particles from a gas stream by creating a reverse flow cyclone vortex. These works with the same efficiency over a wide range of flows and pressure. The efficiency of a cyclone separators in collecting finer dusts is highly depends on the amount of centrifugal forces created and longer residence time to allow more dusts to settle down. These two factors increase better separation of particles.

Our Multi-cyclone collector, custom designed considering all process parameters, exhausts dust laden air properties and build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards

multi cyclone

Multi Cyclone Collector Advantages

  • It removes larger pieces of particulate matter.
  • These works best on flue gases that contain large amounts of big particulate matter.

Multi Cyclone Collector Contaminants Removed

Granular solid pollutants, process generated dust, particulate matter.

multi cyclone separator
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