VOC Fume Scrubber

VOC Fume Scrubber Process

VOC Scrubbers are used for the removal of volatile organic compounds that are emitted from the industrial processes such as oil, diesel & gas industries etc. We use Venturi wet Scrubbers that are commonly used in industries for air pollution control. Venturi scrubbers are used to capture smaller dust particles, chemical fumes, vapors, VOC’s etc. that are generated in industrial process. The main advantage of venturi scrubber is that it can handle the high temperature gas streams and they can simultaneously remove both pollutant gas and particulates at the same time.

VOC Fume Scrubber Advantages

  • Can sustain highly corrosive atmosphere.
  • Relatively low pressure drop.
  • High mass transfer efficiency.
  • Require relatively small space.

VOC Fume Scrubber Contaminants Removed

VOC Compounds, Chemical fumes, odor, gases.

VOC Fume Scrubber
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